Bali Museum is located in downtown Denpasar, precisely in the way of Mayor Vishnu, in the east field Puputan Badung and the south of Temple Jagatnatha. In 1910 WFJ Kroon, a Resident Assistant for South Bali, sparking an idea to establish a museum of ethnography (the study of life and culture of a community or ethnic) in order to protect cultural objects Bali from extinction.
The idea was received from the scientists, artists, cultural, and support of all the kings throughout Bali. Furthermore Curt Grundler Kroon ordered a German architect, to plan together with the traditional Balinese undagi building experts, among others, I Gusti Ketut Rai and I Gusti Ketut Gede Kandel of Denpasar.
Once cooked through adequate preparation it was decided to build a museum in the form of the architecture of the combination between temple (place of prayer) and Puri (the king). Museum was officially opened on December 8, 1932 under the name Museum and Bali Bali Museum is managed by the Foundation.
After Indonesia’s independence August 17, 1945 Bali Museum was taken over by the Provincial Government of Bali, and on July 5, submitted to the Central Government under the Ministry of Education and Culture, and a public museum by the name of the Bali Provincial State Museum. Since Autonomy enacted in 2000 know, the State Museum of Bali Province was handed back to the Provincial Government of Bali as one of the Technical Unit of Bali Provincial Cultural Office with the name UPTD Bali Museum.
Number of Bali Museum collection that had been recorded and entered as many as 10 506 pieces of Registration, including manuscripts and copies of ejection. All types of collections obtained through the purchase of the people in the community, art shops and deposit gifts. Some of the collection is a collection of them diinventarisasikan materainya a stupa with hundreds of fruit, 8.5 kg kepeng, ceramics (Europe, China) and porcelain from Japan, China and Siam.
Form of the museum building is a fusion between the temple and palace architecture. Built on an area of ​​2600 m2 includes 3 pages are: an outer courtyard (jaba), a central courtyard (jaba middle) and the inner courtyard (offal) is restricted to the wall and gapura.Pada page there are 3 pieces of the building in the Tabanan Building, Building Karangasem and Building Buleleng used to show off the collection.

Museum buildings in Bali based on the concept of the abject Tri Mandala, nista mandala (the outer), middle-mandala (the outside before entering the nucleus), and the main mandala (the core).
To be able to see and understand the chronological secra collection, visitors are expected to start from the building Denpasar and Tabanan end up in the building.

1. 1st floor Denpasar Building
Collection is on display at the space and history of Bali Parsejarah
Prehistoric Period peningalan collection that includes the object?objects are grouped into 4 (four) times the
a. The period of hunting and gathering food simple level
b. Hunting and gathering period advanced
c. Cultivation period
d. Period perundagian
While the Collection Historical Period grouped into 3 (three) periods, namely:
a. Bali Ancient Period
b. Bali Middle Ages
c. New Age of Bali.
2. Denpasar building second floor
At these space objects on display a collection that shows the development of Balinese art, particularly painting and sculpture that developed since the 16th century BC to the present, including classical, traditional style and modern style / academic.
3. Building Buleleng
This building is exhibiting a collection of development of Traditional Balinese fabrics, arranged from the simplest form till the most complicated and grouped according to types: plain fabric type, fabric poleng, endek fabric, fabric covered boxes, songket, prada fabric and fabric grimace. Besides, it also exhibited some traditional weaving equipment.
4. Building Karangasem
Collection is on display in this space include the object? Panca ceremonial objects Yadnya equipment, five types of ceremonies / sacrifices are: Yadnya Gods, Pitra Yadnya, Rsi Yadnya, Manusa Yadnya and Bhuta Yadnya on display from north to south.
5. Tabanan Building
On this building exhibited a variety of dance art equipment and traditional percussion especially those closely related to religious ceremonies such as: Trance dance, Barong dance, line dance, Puppet, and so on. In the outline of dance in Bali can be classified into 3 (three) types, namely:
a. Mayor dance
Dance that is danced in religious ceremonies, which generally do not use stories such as dance Sanghyang, Rejang, Pendet, Baris Gede, Landung Barong, Barong Brutuk, Mekare (pandanus war) and so
b. Dance bebali
Are the dances as accompaniment or as a complementary tool ceremonies include: Mask Dance, Barong Ket, Puppet, Wayang Wong and sebaginya.
c. Balih dance-balihan
Balinese dance is functioning only as an entertainment staged for the public.
Collection is on display in this building include: Barong Landung / Jero Gede, Jero Luh, facilities such as the sacred dances Sanghyang Dedari, Taming Magoret, wayang wong masks, masks Chronicle, and various kinds of barong mask, mask and bergagai telek Rangda mask type .

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