Paper Jam

Deskripsi Masalah 

      Sewaktu mencetak dokumen tiba-tiba kertas berhenti di tengah jalan (tersangkut dh rol printer) dan Printer  tidak mau melanjutkan proses cetak.

Solusi Masalah

  1.      Tekan tombol resume pada printer agar kertas keluar dengan sendirinya.
  2.      Jika tetap tidak bisa mematikan printer dan tarik kertas secara perlahan

    Paper Jam

    Description of problem
           When printing paper documents suddenly stopped in the middle of the street (caught in the roller printer) and the printer does not want to continue the printing process.

    Problem solution
              1. Press the reset button on the printer so that paper came out by itself.
              2. If you still can not turn off the printer and gently pull the paper

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