I could make it very easy from the start and say that you are already manifesting your desires everyday, but you just don't realize it. Most people are unconscious creators. They go about their daily lives not knowing that the thoughts they are thinking have an impact on their outside world. The Law Of Attraction, probably the most important law governing creation states that all forms of matter and energy are attracted to that which is of like vibration. What this means is that the thoughts we hold in our minds begin to attract similar thoughts and become larger masses of thoughts we call thought forms.

So what are the implications of this for you? Stated simply, you get what you focus on. "But I'm always thinking about money and i never have any," you say. And that is because you never stay focused on the abundance in your life, but are always looking at the lack of what you do have. So that is what you attract into your life. If you could stay focused on one thing and imagined the excitement you would feel if you already had it, it would show up in your life in a relatively short time.

The world you see is only a mirror of all the thoughts you have inside of you. Change your thoughts and you change the perception of your world. Quantum physics teaches us that nothing exists independently of your perception of it. In actuality you get to choose what you see. That is why several people observing the same thing each have different opinions as to what really happened.<

If you want to manifest your desires there are a few steps you need to follow. Number one in importance is knowing what you really want. The more definitive you can be, the easier it will be to reach your goal. Number two in importance is the more enthused, excited and emotionally charged you are about something, the faster you will see it show up in your life. Next, you have to allow it to come into your life. What i mean by this is not to expect it to come in a certain way, the when, where or how. Just let it flow into your life. And lastly, you should have a feeling of gratitude, or thankfulness in advance, to be grateful before and for the thing that you want.

Good luck in your manifesting and thanks for reading. 

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