Hurricane Aftermath Health & Safety Tips

With the record-setting hurricane season of 2005, it is never too soon to begin preparing for the 2006 season, which has been predicted to have an above average number of hurricanes.

EHA has over 25 years of experience with mold related matters and can assist you with assessment of the property and your health concerns.

EHA's teams of qualified professionals are ready to respond immediately with offices in West Palm Beach and Tampa Bay, Florida.
Please feel free to contact us at 561-965-0250 in West Palm Beach, 813-236-8220 in Tampa Bay or via our corporate offibes in Baltimore at 800-969-1441.

As public health consultants, our first concern is for the health and safety of the people who suffer through these unfortunate events. The potential for disease outbreaks and serious injury loom far after the threat of a major hurricane. As such, people affected by major weather events of catastrophic size must first be prepared to deal with the following conditions so critical to human survival including food, water and shelter.

* Infectious diseases and chemical exposure – Diseases such as typhoid and cholera are associated with the consumption of contaminated food and water supplies due to flooding of sewers and sewage systems. Viral and parasitic diseases such as Hepatitis A and Cryptosporidiosis can also become major threats to the public's health. Contaminated flood waters may also harbor toxic chemicals including pesticides and petroleum by-products.

* CO- Carbon Monoxide intoxication – Precautions should be taken to ensure that adequate ventilation exists whenever running any gasoline powered engine such as, large pumps, generators or vehicles. Last year there were deaths associated with carbon monoxide intoxication in Florida.

* Safe food and water – Often the most critical two items essential to survival, safe food and water are often in short supply during major catastrophes. Food that has not been properly refrigerated should not be consumed. Whenever possible, drink only boiled or bottled water. If boiling water is not practical, authorities recommend the use of chlorine bleach at a concentration of1/8 teaspoon per gallon of water, but be advised that some pathogenic organisms are resistant to this chemical treatment.

* Mosquito transmitted diseases – Diseases such as Encephalitis and West Nile Virus can be of serious concern. Since most hurricanes occur during the summer months, when temperatures can be sweltering, the best line of defense is a mosquito repellant containing DEET or Picariin.

Long after a hurricane has passed, after basic survival has been assured and upon return to your property, the threat of mold looms. For this reason, we've listed our Emergency Prevention of Mold Damage & Property Damage recommendations below to help provide you with the first steps you should take to limit mold damage. More information about hurricane-related mold damage and safety tips is available at

Rubber clothing - a beginners guide

It's an intriguing question, why wear rubber?

First of all, I guess it's good to start with what is rubber?

Rubber is a natural substance, made from the sap of the rubber tree. It's collected, and treated, rolled flat into sheets and then "vulcanised" which basicly means they add sulphur and cook it in an oven!

Why make clothing from it?

Well, why not! It's just*like any other material, it can be sewn, but more likely it's glued together to make garments. The glues used are very strong, as strong as the material it's bonding together. Rubber used to be seen as an "underground" material to make clothes from, for fetishists only really, but now it's getting more mainstream, it's commonly used in Film and TV to either convey "technology"or "futurism" or even "fetishism".

An example of rubber being used in films extensively would be The Matrix Trilogy. Most of Trinity's clothing in that was made by Reactor Rubberwear ( as a lot of the Matrix was actually filmed in Australia.

So come on, why would I wear it?

Because it feels nice, it makes you look sexy, and pulls you in! Well those aren't the only reasons, but they're good ones! If you're just thinking about getting into rubber, it might be an idea to start with something easy, and small, like Latex Shorts or a Rubber Bikini, these are easy to slip into and you'll know what it feels like to wear it, then move onto something a bit bigger and better!

If you've never tried it before, you must also be aware that you have to use some kind of 'lubricant' to get into rubber, usually sprinkling the inside with talcum powder will do the job. Once it's on, you have to give it a nice shine with some latex shine spray. Spray it direct into a cloth and wipe over the rubber with the cloth (saves getting shine spray everywhere!), now your latex is looking shiny and you'll be looking sexy!

Once you've got into this rubber thing, you can start looking at other garments such as catsuits, these are really sexy, they cover you from next to toe in rubber, and look like a second skin, basicly you can reveal everything without revealing everything, and be covered in your favorite material. They come in a variety of styles, can come with feet or no feet, back zip or front zip, the choice is yours! They can be tricky to get on (use plenty of talc), but once on you'll feel really sexy!

Golf Muscles - Timing - Golf Mechanics: The Key To A Powerful Golf Swing

Golf swing power is truly sought after by many golfers short and tall. A powerful golf swing can be easily accomplished if you're standing 6ft tall over the golf ball. Knowing the right mechanics of the golf swing, along with the right timing is essential. If you take two golfers of the same height, the exact same swing, same golf club and ball, the results in distance would probably be the same. If you take the same scenario and one golfer is approximately 6ft. tall, and the other approximately 5ft. tall, the advantage would be to the taller person. You're probably saying, no kidding Sherlock. A taller person creates a longer and bigger swing span, which in turn generates more club head speed. Unleashing a huge drive can be monstrous if all golf mechanics and timing are in sync for a fairly tall person. So how does a shorter golfer stand to compete?

The answer would probably lie in the golf muscles of a shorter golfer. It doesn't necessarily mean you have to go out and bench press 400 lbs everyday. By exercising your upper and lower golf muscles two or three times a week, you can make a world of difference. The golf muscles that need to be exercised would be the legs, thighs, and whole upper portion of the body. The upper portions of the body are the main coil of the golf swing, with the arms and wrist getting the most exercise. As these same muscles are used most to guide and control the weight of the golf club through the motion of the golf swing. The lower portion of the body is strengthened to reinforce the upper portion of the golf swing. There are many books and videos on the Internet that address these exercises.

Golfers that prefer to exercise outdoors and are not sure of the appropriate exercises to use should take the exercise out on the practice range hitting golf balls. By hitting golf balls at the practice range, you will be exercising the important golf muscles naturally, and greatly improve your golf swing at the same time. Have you heard of golf muscle memory? It is a part of the brain that remembers a movement. Putting it another way, have you felt a muscle say, stop right there? This same part of the brain will tell moving parts of your body how far you can take it, so you do not injure yourself. It also signals for the timing of certain muscles to kick in and take over, if your latter part of the brain were paying attention. It would also remember good habits and bad habits in the golf swing. One must be careful in their practice routine on avoiding the bad habits. Practicing regularly will exercise these certain muscles and train them for further swing improvement in proper moves and timing. Your golf muscles will take the golf mechanics and timing to a higher level of power by exercising them over and over again.

With regular exercise and practicing the golf mechanics and timing of the golf swing, both short and tall players can compete on the same level. To out distance your taller competitors, it would help to pack a few extra pounds of golf muscle behind your golf swing. The same would apply for the taller golfer to stay ahead of the crowd.

Pengertian Error

Error   adalah ketidaktepatan, kekeliruan atau kesalahan yang disebabkan oleh software, hardware, dan brainware

Ada tiga kesalahan yang biasanya terjadi, yaitu logical error, runtime error, sintax error

Logical Error :  Disebabkan oleh kesalahan secara logika sehingga menyebabkan hasil yang diinginkan tidak sama. Jika terjadi kesalahan ini maka proses akan tetap berlanjut tetapi tidak akan berjalan sebagai mana mestinya.

Runtime Error :  Terjadi ketika program sedang dijalankan. Bentuk kesalahan ini diantisipasi oleh pembuat program atau sistem operasi untuk memberikan peringatan ketika error terjadi. Apabila hal ini tidak dilakukan soleh pembuat program, maka program akan berhenti diproses/dilaksanakan.

Sintax Error :  Kesalahan dalam penulisan perintah karena tata bahasa yang digunakan tidak benar. Jika terjadi kesalahan ini, maka proses tidak akan dihentikan atau dilanjutkan sampai kesalahan yang terjadi debinarkan dengan yang benar.

Pengertian Troubleshoot

      Hai, sahabat blogger.... kali ini Habbil TKJ 1 akan menjelaskan secara detai tentang apa yang dimaksud dengan Troubleshoot. Berikut penjelasannya :


Troubleshoot komputer adalah segala masalah yang timbul dari komputer disebabkan oleh hardware, software, maupun brainware.

Troubleshooting komputer adalah segala macam bentuk usaha untuk menyelsaikan masalah yang timbul dari komputer yang disebabkan oleh hardware, software, brainware. 

Teknik dalam mendeteksi troubleshoot ada 2 macam :
  1.  Teknik ForwardTeknik ini menggunakan pendeteksian masalah dari komputer dirakit dan belum dialiri listrik. Teknik yang termasuk dalam golongan ini, misalnya pemeriksaan kabel kabel power, kabel data maupun kipas apakah sudah terpasang dengan benar atau belumm pengecekan pemasangan card  tambahan seperti VGA, Sound Card, LAN Card sudah terpasang dengan benar atau belum, dll.
  2. Teknik Backward
    Teknik ini digunakan setelah komputer dinyalakan atau dialiri listrik. Dari berbagai masalah komputer yang ada, banyak ditemui ketika sudah dialiri listrik. Teknik yang termasuk dalam golongan ini, misalnya CD ROM tidak bisa membaca cd yang dimasukkan,  Operating System  tidak dapat booting dengan sempurna, dll.

    Untuk mendeteksi masalah yang paling banyak digunakan adalah Teknik Backward.  Kita dapat mendeteksi berdasarkan suara ( Beep Code ), tampilan ( Pesan Error ), dan menggunakan pengukuran.

    Pendeteksian dengan beep code biasanya akan berhubungan dengan masalah yang terjadi  pada RAM dan VGA. Pendeteksian tampilan (Pesan Error) akan berhubungan dengan masalah yang terjadi pada system operasi, dan disk drive.

    Sedangkan pendeteksian dengan pengukuran biasanya berhubungan dengan arus listrik. Untuk itu digunakan alat bantu pengukur seperti multi tester untuk mengetes arus listrik yang masuk ke power supply , maupun Motherboard

    Dengan mengerti tentang penedeteksian masalah pada komputer diharapkan pembaca dapat menemukan silusi yang tepat untuk mengatasi masalah yang timbul.

    Sekian artikel yang saya buat, semoga bermanfaat pagi para pembaca semua.

Modul Bahasa Indonesia | Karangan

Menulis wacana yang bercorak naratif, deskriptif, ekspositoris dan argumentatif.

Wacana/karangan dapat diartikan sebuah tulisan yang teratur menurut urut-urutan yang semestinya atau logis. Dalam wacana setiap unsurnya harus memiliki kesatuan dan kepaduan. Langlah-langkah membuat wacana atau karangan:
menentukan tema
menentukan tujuan
mencari bahan
menyusun kerangka karangan
mengembangkan kerangka karangan
Membuat kerangka karangan sangat dianjurkan sebelumn penulisan, terutama bagi pengarang pemula. Kerangka karangan bermanfaat sebagai:
pedoman agar penulisan dapat teratur dan terarah.
penggambaran pola susunan dan kaitan antara ide-ide pokok/topik.
membantu pengarang melihat adanya pokok bahasan yang menyimpang dari topik dan adanya ide pokok yang sama.
menjadi gambaran secara umum struktur ide karangan
Langkah yang mesti ditempuh oleh pengarang untuk menyusun kerangka karangan adalah
(1) Menentukan tema/topik karangan
(2) Menjabarkan tema ke dalam topik-topik/subtema
(3) Mengembangkan topik-topik menjadi subtopik
(4) Menginvestaris sub-sub topik
(5) Menyeleksi topik dan sub-subtopik yang cocok
(6) Menentukan pola pengembangan karangan
Kerangka karangan dapat ditulis dalam dua bentuk, berikut.
Kerangka kalimat, ialah kerangka karangan yang disusun dalam bentuk k`limat-kalimat lengkap yang menjabarkan ide-ide pokok karangan.
Kerangka topik, ialah kerangka karangan yang dituangkan dalamn bentuk frasa dan klausa sehingga tampak lebih praktis.
Contoh kerangka kalimat:
Membuka usaha warnet di tengah perkembangan teknologi informasi.
Masuknya ajaran komputer di sekolah-sekolah menambah pengetahuan tentang teknologi informasi.
Perkembangan sarana komputer menjadi sarana jaringan informasi melalui internet.
Penggunaan internet menjadi kebutuhan remaja dan anak sekolah.
Memanfaatkan minat remaja dan anak sekolah dengan membuka warnet.
Contoh kerangka topik
Kemacetan Lalu Lintas di Jalan Raya
1. Kemacetan Lalu Lintas
b. Tidak aneh
c. Menjengkelkan kita
2. Waktu Kemacetan lalu Lintas
a. Pagi hari
b. Siang hari
c. Sore hari
3. Penyebab Kemacetan Lalu Lintas
a. Persilangan dengan kereta api
b. Semakin banyak kendaraan
c. Sikap tidak terpuji para pemakai jalan
4. Akibat Kemacatan Lalu Lintas
a. Bahan bakar dan waktu terbuang
b. Polusi udara
Jenis jenis karangan: narasi, argumentasi, deskripsi, eksposisi, persuasi.
Narasi adalah cerita yang didasarkan pada urut-urutan suatu kejadian atau peristiwa. Narasi dapat berbentuk narasi ekspositoris dan narasi imajinatif. Unsur-unsur penting dalam sebuah narasi adalah kejadian, tokoh, konflik, alur/plot, serta latar yang terdiri atas latar waktu, tempat, dan suasana.
Deskripsi adalah karangan yang menggambarkan/suatu objek berdasarkan hasil pengamatan, perasaan, dan pengalaman penulisnya. Untuk mencapai kesan yang sempurna bagi pembaca, penulis merinci objek dengan kesan, fakta, dan citraan. Dilihat dari sifat objeknya, deskripsi dibedakan atas 2 macam, yaitu deskripsi Imajinatif/Impresionis dan deskripsi faktual/ekspositoris.
Karangan eksposisi adalah karangan yang memaparkan atau menjelaskan secara terperinci (memaparkan) sesuatu dengan tujuan memberikan informasi dan memperluas pengetahuan kepad pembacanya. Karangan eksposisi biasanya digunakan pada karyakarya ilmiah seperti artikel ilmiah, makalah-makalah untuk seminar, simposium, atau penataran.

Karangan argumentasi ialah karangan yang berisi pendapat, sikap, atau penilaian terhadap suatu hal yang disertai dengan alasan, bukti-bukti, dan pernyataan-pernyataan yang logis. Tujuan karangan argumentasi adalah berusaha meyakinkan pembaca akan kebenaran pendapat pengarang.
Persuasi ialah karangan yang bertujuan untuk membujuk atau mempengaruhi orang. Orang lain supaya mengikuti pendapat kita.

Pilihlah salah satu topik di bawah ini !
Aku Sakit Hati karena Ia Tidak Setia
Cara Menghormati Orang Tua
Di bawah garis Kemiskinan
Buatlah kerangka karangan sesuai dengan topik pilihan Anda !
Kembangkan kerangka karangan tersebut menjadi sebuah karangan !

Silahkan Download File DOC Dibawah sini

Windows 8 Release Preview Hadir Juni

detail berita
Steven Sinofsky (foto: InternationalBusinessTimes)
CALIFORNIA - Sebuah rilis preview Windows 8 akan tersedia untuk di download mulai minggu pertama Juni. Hal ini mengindikasikan sistem operasi mutakhir Microsoft tersebut sudah mendekati final.

Diwartakan InternationalBusinessTimes, Rabu (25/4/2012), Head of Windows, Steven Sinofsky mengumumkan berita tersebut di panggung konferensi Japan's Windows 8 Dev Days. Kabar tersebut juga mengumumkan kehadiran halaman Twitter Microsoft's Building Windows 8.

Sebelumnya, Microsoft sudah merilis Windows 8versi beta atau pratinjau untuk konsumen pada tanggal 29 Februari lalu. Sedangkan versi final sistem operasi mutakhir itu akan mulai dijual pada Oktober.

Windows 8 nantinya akan hadir dalam tiga versi yaitu Windows 8 untuk konsumer, Windows 8 Pro untuk profesional TI dan penggemar teknologi serta Windows RT. Sistem operasi yang disebutkan terakhir itu sebelumnya diketahui bernama Windows on ARM.

Windows RT atau RunTime adalah satu-satunya versi Windows dengan pra-instal Office. Aplikasi produktivitas tersebut sudah termasuk pengoptimalan versi sentuh Word, Excel, PowerPoint dan OneNote.


Download Guitar Pro 6.1.1 r10791

Guitar Pro V. 6.1.1 r10791 | Guitar Pro is first and foremost a software designed to edit tablatures for guitar, bass, and other fretted instruments from 4 to 8 strings. With Guitar Pro you'll be able to learn how to play, compose and improve your guitar skills. Its great ease of use and the success of its specific file format have made it a software used by guitarists worldwide. It now includes editing support for many other instruments like the piano or the drums, a realistic audio engine, and interactive tools to support every musician's practice.

Guitar Pro is first and foremost a software designed to edit tablatures for guitar, bass, and other fretted instruments from 4 to 8 strings. With Guitar Pro you'll be able to learn how to play, compose and improve your guitar skills.

Its great ease of use and the success of its specific file format have made it a software used by guitarists worldwide. It now includes editing support for many other instruments like the piano or the drums, a realistic audio engine, and interactive tools to support every musician's practice.

Here are some key features of "Guitar Pro":
Custom Views:
· With Guitar Pro you have the option of working either directly in page or screen mode (horizontal or vertical). The screen modes use all the space available in the workspace. It is possible to change at any moment the proportions and page setup of your document as well as the viewed tracks.

Automatic page setup:
· Guitar Pro automatically configures the vertical position of the various elements of the score. The input is therefore very rapid, giving an output similar to that of published songbooks.

· Guitar Pro automatically adds the bars and provides synchronization between the tracks of the score. This strict synchronization is needed for proper sound rendering of the score and it can also be educational at the same time.

Interactive tools:
· Each tool within Guitar Pro is closely linked to the active track properties. For example, if you opened the guitar tuner, it would give you the tuning chosen for that specific track. This makes Guitar Pro very powerful, and easy to use.

DOWNLOAD : Guitar Pro 6.1.1 r10791 (37 MB)
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